KAOS Klapp

> Studio photography and advertisement design.

This assignment was for a real client, KAOS - a Norwegian brand that creates high-quality products and furniture for families with young children. Among these is the Klapp chair, which had a new plastic variant introduced in 2024. Our assignment involved photographing the chairs in a studio and creating two social media posts; an advertisement for the new plastic chair, and a Christmas greeting. They also wanted an animation of their logo, which I was more than excited for (yeah i enjoy Ae).

Various mockups

I took about 400 images during my time in the studio, taking images for my classmates as well. KAOS mentioned that ‘movement’ is the foundation of their visual identity, the chair enables free movement. While it seemed logical to continue down this path, I instead wanted to focus on showcasing the plastic material (texture!), and the vibrant colors the chairs are available in.

Various mockups

This is the advertisement for the new plastic chair, since KAOS’ exisiting chairs had muted colors with little texture, I wanted to place emphasis on both color and texture in my ad.

The Christmas post had to be animated, so I launched After Effects and animated the christmas lights on one of the studio photos I took. I decided early on that I wouldn’t use green or red in my Christmas ad under any circumstances, they’re overused during Christmas imo.

Finally, since I was working in After Effects - I got inspired and carried away. So I made another post with some selling points and snappy motion, featuring the animated logo at the end. I thought it would be fitting to use the animated logo in an ad, instead of just leaving it on its own.